Friday, November 6, 2009

My First Step

So, to feel like I knew exactly what I was getting myself into, I went to the book store to read up on other crazy folks who have done the same thing. I found two books that I went home with. The first is called The Non-Runner's Marathon Guide For Woman (Get off your butt and on with your training) by Dawn Dais. I'm starting with this one as I train myself to a comfortable run of 3 miles. She's hilarious and it's a really fun read, all the while I'm reading how she got herself from the sofa to the marathon. Second book I purchased was The Non-Runner's Marathon Trainer by David Whitsett, Forrest Dolgener and Tanjala Mabon Kole.. This book received high ratings on Amazon, so I'm going with it. It's a training manual where I can take notes and it's pretty down and dirty on everything I need to know. I'm excited to get into it.

Right now I'm reading about what I need to get started...which is new sneakers...woo hooo!!

I did it...well I registered...that's a start!

It's not as if I was thinking about this for weeks, or even days. Which is kind of strange, but one afternoon I thought wouldn't it be great to run a marathon?! I've had this thought before, I've always envied those folks you see on the side of the road running as if they were born doing's awesome!! I can't imagine they were actually born doing this, so heck, why can't I do it?! If you know me well, you know that every now and then I challenge myself. I'm kind of random that way....and in one afternoon, I decided that I would dedicate myself to training for a Spring 2010 half marathon. Is a full marathon my goal, no not really. It actually isn't appealing to me at all...26.2 miles?!! I can't even imagine...but 13.1...I think I could do, I know I can. And how many miles can I run now you ask...well it doesn't really matter, what matters is what I'll run on Apr 3 2010 in NYC.
Until then, I need to prepare!